Our Provoked Heavy Metal Test Results: In this case I'm not too thrilled to be the leader, however my Lead came back at 27 and Henry is at 25. My Mercury is at 17 and Henry is at 5.8. Now I won't even try to explain what the units these are measured in because they relate to nothing in my life experience. But the 'good' reference range is 2 for Lead and 4 for Mercury.
We have our work cut out for us. But as my other Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Tonya Fleck, said, "When you are 78 and running marathons in Peru - cancer free - you will be glad you did!"
O.K. More background: Sources of Lead include; (Auto industry – Lead terminals on batteries, lead wheel weights for tire balancing), old lead-pigment paints, batteries, industrial smelting and alloying, some types of solders, aruvedic herbs, some toys and products from China, glazes on (foreign) ceramics, leaded (antiknock compound) fuels, bullets and fishing sinkers, artist paints with lead pigments and leaded joints in some municipal water systems.
Most lead contamination occurs via oral ingestion of contaminated food or water or by children mouthing or eating lead-containing substances. The degree of absorption of oral lead depends upon stomach contents (empty stomach increases uptake) and upon the body’s mineral status. Deficiency of zinc, calcium or iron may increase lead uptake. Trans-dermal exposure is slight. Inhalation has decreased significantly with almost universal use of non-leaded automobile fuel.
A large dose of lead can cause a condition affecting the brain called acute encephalopathy which can lead to slow thinking, seizures, coma, and death. Some common symptoms of chronic overexposure include loss of appetite, metallic taste in the mouth, anxiety, constipation, nausea, pallor, excessive tiredness, weakness, insomnia, headache, nervous irritability, muscle and joint pain or soreness, fine tremors, numbness, dizziness, hyperactivity and colic. In lead colic there may be severe abdominal pain.
Mercury is commonly used in: dental amalgams, explosive detonators; in pure liquid form for thermometers, barometers and laboratory equipment, florescent light bulbs; batteries and electrodes (calomel) and in fungicides and pesticides (which has lessened over the years)
Methyl-mercury accumulates in aquatic animals and fish and is concentrated up the food chain reaching high concentrations in large fish and predatory birds.
Early signs of mercury contamination include: decreased senses of touch, hearing, vision and taste, metallic taste in mouth, fatigue or lack of physical endurance and increased salivation. Symptoms may progress with moderate or chronic exposure to include: anorexia, numbness and parenthesis, headaches, hypertension, irritability and excitability and immune suppression. Advanced mercury toxicity include: tremors and in-coordination, anemia, manic behaviors and renal dysfunction.Armed with the test results Henry and I decided we would proceed with the ten week detoxification protocol. But first we enjoyed our already scheduled cruise to Central America! (A whole other story).