Heavy Metal Chelation Protocol: Get yourself a good Naturopath! They are totally trained in the ways of detoxification.
We are finishing week one of a daunting ten week program. I will do my best to describe the basic elements of this procedure. There are five rounds broken into two week cycles. At the simplest look it consists of three days on the captomer (aka Chelation Phase) and eleven days in Support Phase.
We must remain mindful of reducing our contact with heavy metal exposure which I find rather amusing considering that we work at an auto repair facility. But I promised Henry I would stop licking the battery terminals. We must avoid consumption of large ocean fish (swordfish, shark, halibut, tuna, Atlantic or farmed salmon and ANY freshwater fish (trout, catfish, etc.) We also are to avoid cigarette smoke.
The Chelation Phase (Days 1-3): Take three capsules of the DMSA Captomer 250 three times per day to pull heavy metals from your body tissues and out through your kidneys. After the ten week period we will take the heavy metal urine testing protocol once again to gauge our progress.
We also take two caps of Activated Charcoal on the evenings of these first three days. Activated charcoal will capture your bile and prevent recycling of the heavy metals we are trying to eliminate. Here is an example of when not to recycle! (Caution: this may turn your stool black, but don't panic!)
The Support Phase (Days 4-14): Take three caps once daily of Thorne Heavy Metal Support. This will replenish the micro nutrients that are cleared from your body by the captomer AND will help to protect your kidneys during this time.
Also, we are to get a Glutathione IV push once every 14 days, (2-3 days after finishing the captomer.) Glutathione is a potent anti-oxidant that is most stable in injectable form. It will minimize adverse symptoms of detoxification.
To Take Daily (Days 1-14): First thing in the morning before eating any food take one scoop of Thorne Medibulk in 8 ounces of water. This fiber will bind the heavy metal toxins that are being excreted through the bowel, preventing reabsorbtion.
- Take two caps twice daily of Detox Factors. This multi-vitamin is to support the body's ability to detoxify.
- Take two caps twice daily of Vitamin C (Allergy Research Group) - 2,000mg. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which reduces damage from toxins.
- Take two caps twice daily of Thorne Magnesium Citrate. Magnesium is typically deficient in those who are heavy metal burdened. When chelation is being done the need for magnesium increases.
- Drink one-half your body weight in ounces of water per day! For example, I weigh in at about 170 so I need to drink 85 ounces of water per day...ten to eleven 8 ounce glasses per day.
Colonic Irrigation: To be done once every two week cycle, two to three days after taking the captomer. Again, this is another way to help eliminate toxins from the body and prevent reabsorbtion.
But wait, there's more. Stay tuned for nutrition and other tips.