What about Nutrition? Well, I highly recommend my nutritionist, Karen Barker of Let's Talk Food. I don't think I could possibly cover the nutrition element in this venue called a blog. Suffice it to say; eat three to four servings of cruciferous veggies daily. Liberal use of garlic and onions is a good choice. I'm still pondering how to use burdock root. Liver support teas are good as well as other anti-oxidant drinks such as pomegranate, cranberry or acai. You may also wish to add 2 tablespoons of ground flax in your water, juice or sprinkled over your food daily. Don't forget your kale sprouts and seaweed!
Here are some recommended cookbooks for good recipes and tips; The Natural Gourmet by Anne Marie Colbin, Vegetarian cooking for everyone by Deborah Madison and Aveline Kushi's Macrobiotic Cooking.
We are so lucky here in Santa Cruz for all of the yummy organic foods found at our farmer's markets and local stores. Yea, it's asparagus and artichoke season! I've found a great Chelation Pesto recipe online: http://www.naturodoc.com/library/treatments/removing_heavy_metals.htm
Physical Detoxification Techniques: The body has six main organs of elimination: skin, liver, bowels, kidney, lungs and lymph.
Skin: Skin is the largest organ of elimination.
Sauna Therapy; sweating in a low temperature sauna is an excellent way to increase the mobilization of toxins stored in the fat cells. With the heavy metal detox four times a week would be awesome. Or add two pounds of Epsom Salt to a bath and soak for 20 minutes.
Exercise with sweating helps eliminate toxins through skin, lungs and lymphatics.
Contrast showers between hot and cold enhance circulation and aid in detoxification. Ending in cold leads to a deep relaxed sleep.
Liver: Limit substances that especially burden the liver such as: alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, preservatives and dyes. Also limit exposure to environmental toxins such as car exhaust, chemical fumes and other toxic substances. (See how silly this is for us automotive types?)
Castor Oil Packs: To stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation saturate an undyed piece of cotton or wool flannel with castor oil and place it over the liver. Put a towel over the pack and place a hot water bottle on top, 20-30 minutes 2-3 times per week. (keep the pad in a glass jar for the next time.)
Bowels: It is important to have daily bowel movements. Diet is key - including high fiber natural grains such as brown rice, oats, barley, millet and quinoa. Aerobic exercise also helps to positively regulate bowel function.
Kidneys: Drink lots of water 6 to 8 glasses daily regularly (about 85 ounces/ day for Henry and I during our detox).
Lungs: Exhaling is the body's way of getting rid of unwanted gases. Practice deep relaxed breathing twice daily (Before rising in the morning and falling asleep in the evening are convenient times.) Deep breathing will also occur naturally during meditation. Aerobic exercise for at least 20 minutes five time weekly.
Lymphatics: The lymphatic system is the super highway of the immune system. A regular stretching program releases muscle imbalances and constrictions which increases blood and lymphatic circulation. My favorite...get massages! Dry brushing using small circular strokes starting from the extremities, moving toward the heart. This is good three times a week before bathing.
Whew! Sure seems like an awful lot to keep track of and do for self care. Henry and I are doing our best at all of this.
Ciao for now.