
Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Happiness is a state of being.
Being happy does not mean you need to deny everything else. 
Do things that make you happy and agree with yourself.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

You know, there is nothing outside of ourselves that has the power to make us happy. For example: If I think, “That cup of coffee over there will make me happy.” And I go over and get it, I may find that I am feeling happy for a while, but then I get bored with it. Now, I think, “Getting a new pair of shoes (like so and so is wearing) would make me happy.” Poof! I have new shoes. After a while I find the ‘external happiness’ fades. I get bored again.

This is temporary happiness only. Permanent happiness comes from within and goes with me where ever I go. So, if you catch yourself saying, “I will really be happy when…” Perhaps stop yourself and say, “I am truly happy now.”