What? Has another two years passed already? “The D.M.V. has sent a statement telling me that my car needs a Smog Check! This sends shivers down my spine, to my wallet and then to my feet (that are going to be sore from walking if my car fails its test). I tend to believe I have a fairly intelligent car, and if it’s put to the test, it ought to pass. Still, there is that nagging worry of ‘failure’ or ‘Gross Polluter’ floating in my mind. Also, how much time, trouble and money is this going take?”
Having to get a Smog check is not the end of the world. A properly maintained vehicle will normally pass the inspection without any problem. Occasionally, surprises will occur even when the car seems to be running great, and viola, it fails. Never the less, this certainly is not the norm.
How do I prepare for the test? A common misconception is, “I can’t mail in my registration until I get the smog check done.” This is not true. Of course, we recommend planning far enough ahead so you are not ‘blessed’ with late fees. However, if you are a procrastinator, the best way to avoid late fees on your registration is to go ahead and mail your payment before you get the smog check done.
Other obscure facts: If the check engine light stays on while your car is running it will not pass the smog check. The check engine light indicates you car is exceeding the emissions standards by more than 150 percent. On all 1996 and newer cars the O.B.D. (on board diagnostic) system is actually connected to the smog machine and tested. There is no escaping this! Your gas cap is another emissions control device that is tested during the smog inspection. The car must past a fuel evaporative system test and a visual ‘excessive smoke’ inspection. 1998 and newer diesels also now require smog checks..
Test only? The State of
The smog levels in
Having your car fail the smog test is not the end of the world. The State likes to see data showing a failure followed with a retest showing what was repaired in order to pass. This data helps keep
The ‘evil’ Gross Polluter is the least desired result of a smog check. This means your car is putting out twice the pollution as the maximum allowable levels. This doesn’t necessarily mean it will cost a fortune to repair the car, but you should definitely consider maintaining your car a little better. Once deemed a gross polluter, the only station that can certify your car is a “Gold Shield” station. You can, however, have the repairs done at the certified test and repair facility. Water Star Motors is a certified Smog Test and Repair Station.
For more information: Smog Check